One of the biggest fears I've ever had in my life was of the 1985 Godzilla Inflatable by Imperial Toys!
I am 31 now….and still have a weird fear of it!
I've never been able to explain why…I mean the thing is so silly looking…especially when looking at it from the front!
I think I may have been the eyes…..
As a child I would see this thing everywhere…and even though I was afraid of it…I wanted one! In 2003 I ordered one off of eBay….and I couldn't even open the package!I had to have my friend do it for me (I video taped the whole thing!) But once it was inflated…I wasn't afraid of it anymore.
It's a weird thing…as in if it's right in front of me I'm fine…but if it's put away in a box….or even if I stumble upon a pic of it on the internet…I'm weary of it! There have been a few times when on eBay looking at it….and if the page loads up slow…then BOOM the pic pops up….I jump!
Haha…there was this other time while watching DEMONS 6, you can kinda see it in the shadows in a certain scene……and I was like, "Whoa…it's the Godzilla inflatable!"……but then a few seconds later they have a close up scene of its face! I totally jumped up out of my seat and ran in the other room! Haha…I was 29 at the time by the way!
Soo yeah, that's my Kindertrauma.
There are several versions of this toy:
- The original 1985/86 version
- And three different sized ones from 1992/93: a four foot, five foot…..and AN EIGHT FOOT!!!!!!
I can't even imagine being in the presence of the 8 foot one!
PLUS besides DEMONS 6, it was in: BIG,ARMAGEDDON, IT, & (just slightly in) A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4… just to name a few…I'm sure it's been in others!
That is all……love the Kindertrauma site.
Thank you!
—Raven J.
UNK SEZ:: That eight foot Godzilla does sound scary. From what I've gathered from the toy box covers the taller the inflatable Godzilla is the more aggressive he acts. It looks like the six ft. tall one (below) is about to rip that kid's head off! Thanks for the mighty traumafession Raven and thanks to GO GO GODZILLA too!

P.S.: Why is it that I have neglected to see DEMONS 6? I gotta get on that!
Ah, inflatable Godzilla. He graced my college apartment through most of the late 80s and often wound up having his picture taken with guests. If only he hadn't received that fatal puncture wound. RIP Inflatable Big G, we miss you.
When I was little, my local video store had one of these in the storefront window. My mother often had to drag me, eyes closed tight, into the store until it was far enough behind me that I couldn't see it.Â
I also had this when it came out and had it in my bedroom for a long while. Unfortunately with 3 cats in the house, it eventually could only be patched up so many times before it was useless LOL
By the way I had no idea there was a Demons 6 and I am sure I have never seen the movie the clip was taken from. Was it ever released in America? And if so, under what title??
Never mind just found it over at cinemageddon.net. For anyone else interested heres the info at imdb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096932/
I had the 6ft version in college. We used to get shit wrecked and simulate all sorts of unspeakble sex acts on the poor rubber lizard..
Traumafession #233: I was about 13 or 14 (though tall for my age, about 6ft or so), trick-or-treating, dressed as Godzilla. While looking for new places to find candy, I innocently wandered into a college party. Though the room was filled with happy sounds, they were nothing more than a mob of rowdy, drunken co-eds. Suddenly, unexpectedly, I was grabbed from behind and what came next will haunt my nightmares forever…
Wasn't me, didn't do it, nobody saw a thing (eyes darting furtively) ;-)>