My biggest childhood trauma comes from the time of year that should have been nothing but merriment and fun – Christmas. Every year my brother would make me watch A CHRISTMAS CAROL with him – the one with ALBERT FINNEY. And it wasn't the awful songs or Jacob Marley in his chains, nor was it the ghost of Christmas Future – showing Ebenezer the truth of his mortality …
It was the Ghost of Christmas Present that terrified me. Even before Scrooge sees him, something about his gleeful laugh behind the closed door gave me chills. Then when the door opens and you see this enormous man in green velvet robes and fur, surrounded by candles and opulence … and a bare chest (??)… with his booming voice … he had me diving under the covers every year! It still gives me goose bumps!!
— Cynthia
Ghost of Christmas Present also had Want and Ignorance hidden under his robe, they freaked me out to no end!!
Dreaded Dreams
Petunia Scareum
GOCP is not even his real name. He was born "Spirit of Brian Blessed Past" but he couldn't get hired until he changed his name.
I love this version! This and The Magoo version are my faves! I love the songs in both (how can you rag on the music in this one? It has that kick-ass Thank You Very Much song that people associate with cable dishes that allow you to watch football games now!) For me no matter what version I watched the reaper dude that represented the future was the scary part (even the really shoddily drawn one in Magoo!)
I always thought "thank you very much" was from Oliver!
Now that i think of it didn't Jack Wild sing it on H.R. Puffinstuff?
I always imagine him singing it.
I love Jack Wild (had a huge crush on him and would sit thru PUFF N STUFF just to see him) and you're right: That DOES seem to be the kind of song he would sing! Maybe we're thinking of I'd Do Anything For You from OLIVER? Or any one of the million of songs he did on PUFF N STUFF. They should come out with a box set of all the songs he did on PUFF N STUFF.
"Beeeee-u-ti-fuuuul mooor-ning".
I don't know which freaked me out worse, the rotting corpses or all the extras in the movie looking like hobos that casting found under London bridge. :-0