I'm actually kind of surprised that this isn't on your site already. One of my earliest memories (I think I was four) was being at my parents friend's house who ran a daycare. For some reason I had to sleep in her older son's room by myself. I'll never forget being alone in that dark room and suddenly seeing a horrible, deformed life sized head looking right at me! The head was none other than Hasbro's Monster Face. It was a kind of a Mr. Potato Head for older children and came with a bunch of different accessories to customize it's heinousness.
This memory has slid through my brain off and on throughout my life, but it wasn't until about a month ago that I tracked down what this horrible head in my memory was I wasn't sure if I had even made up this memory until a few hours of internet searches revealed that this THING does exist… and it's name is MONSTER FACE!
— Grayson K.

When I was a kid, like all young boys, I loved disgusting and scary things. Hasbro knows its demographic and in 1992 released Monster Face. It was a mad scientist take on Mr. Potato Head. You could add body parts, bugs, etc. But one of the things I remember most was the container of snot that came with it. There was a spot on the back of the head to pour in the snot and it would ooze out of the nose.
This is one of the most haunting memories from my childhood. At night, seeing the face partially illuminated scared me to no end. I believed that the face would come to life in the middle of the night. I eventually became so frightened that I had to cover the face before I went to bed.
I remembered this terrifying toy after reading other similar stories on your blog. I googled for a while before finally coming across its name and soon found other recollections similar to my own. It's good to know that I'm not alone in being tortured by this thing.
Justin L.
I dont remember this particular toy but if we're talking scary toys:
My oldest sister had a toy called Kaballa: The Evil eye she used to torment my middle sister with (she'd lock her in a closet with it) and I was deathly afraid of Troll dolls and Wishkins (another thing that my bizarre oldest sister used to collect).
I am the proud owner of this toy…
Hachie machie! That first picture looks like some horror out of an Aztec tomb :-O
I have a Monster Face set sitting on my desk right now! I ran across it while cleaning out some junk, ran a search for it online and found it is somewhat hard to come by. The one I have is from the early 90's. In the late 90's Hasbro teamed up with the people who did the 'Goosebumps' books and re-released it as 'Monsterhead Maker'.  About the same time I bought Monster Face I also bought some Play-Doh sets- one is a dental set with a head that you can drill and make teeth for, and the other is a set where you make internal organs and then operate on a little plastic man to remove them. There were some neat toys available in the 90’s.
Here's the commercial for Play doh Dentist!
That's the one! It has silver play-doh to make the fillings and such. The 'Operation' one I have comes with pink flesh-color play-doh. This was the best image I can find for it- you can click and enlage the photo:  http://www.jucariidejucarii.ro/plastilina-parfumata/play-doh-fix-me-up-doc-operation/
YES! I snapped up a "Ka-Ba-La" off eBay recently. Still glows in the dark! Still eerie as hell!
For noobs: "Ka-Ba-La" was a variant of the Quija board in which two players tilted the glow-in-the-dark board back and forth. A large marble in a track circled the board, making a creepy rumbling noise, while the weighted center-mounted "eye"–black and glow-green–FOLLOWED IT.
It…it's staring at me right now.
Please tell me it was pretty cheap/ Id love to get my sister one for Christmas. Shes moving into a new place soon and it would be a great house warming gift! eBay here I come!
Anyone remember Hugo- The Man of 1000 Faces?
Along the same lines but for some reason this guy REALLY creeped me out and I was pretty hardcore into the scary stuff even as a young kid.
A "virtual" Hugo is available here: