Here's another one. The movie THE CRAFT by ANDREW FLEMING (1996) is a very good one, but for me one scene in particular stands out; the one with the "lose-your-hair curse" that Sarah sends to Laura. It always gave me the creeps whenin the pool she's starting losing hair… aarghhh!

This reminds me of the part in Leviathan when the woman starts losing her hair after drinking the tainted vodka…That part gets to me more than any of the gory stuff later on. Depictions of disease in movies tend to disturb me.
Yeah, "Marcia Brady" without hair is like Vincent Van Gogh without an ear.
Wait a minute…..
Yes, that hair loss scene was creepy as was Fairuza Balk getting covered in bugs. Then again, Fairuza was just plain creepy in that period! I could never see her in "Almost Famous" without thinking "It's the creepy goth chick from "The Craft"!".
That's what you get for being rascist… and marrying Ben Stiller.
The odd thing is I DONT like the movie but I DO like Fairuza in it! So Im sorta torn.