During the mid-to-late 1970s, CALGONITE brand dishwasher detergent ran a series of TV ads featuring a creature known as THE SPOTMAKER. He was a spotted green man with an eerie echo-chamber voice that lived inside of dishwashers, putting spots on all fine dishware. His only nemesis was said dish-soap. He freaked me out so badly that I had to leave the room when he came on the TV.
Note to Freddie: It would appear that starring in CALGONITE brand dishwasher detergent commercials is not the dead-end gig one would assume it to be. Rather than retire, THE SPOTMAKER used his newfound notoriety as a springboard for a career rich in subliminal cameo appearances. A quick search of IMDB reveals the ubiquitous Riddler-like entity has appeared in over two hundred motion pictures, many of which are Kindertrauma favorites…
I look at your site every day and I always have a brain cell brought back from the dead. Thank you. Thus, you brought back my memory of The Spotmaker. I remember feeling really sorry for him when he vanished but still wished my mom would buy some Calgonite, even though we had no dishwasher.