I was going through an old box of photos and found these sub-genre signs that I made for the horror section of the video store I used to work at. I took them home whenever the joint got all fancy and switched to DVD. What kind of dope gets rid of their "Scary Spinster" section? That's not progress!

If you got the time and you don't mind..
Video Store Memories
Huh – so the Kindertrauma roots run deep – all the way back to the days of mom and pop video stores. Was there ever a GeoCities version of this page? I can see it now – black background, lots of blinking multi-colored text.
Unkle L, I love your signs! Very cool!
Drew, thanks for posting the video. I really enjoyed watching it. In my hometown, Green's Video was the best. That place was huge, and I swear they had everything. I could spend hours in that place just looking at all the movies. The horror section was my favorite, of course.
Mine was in Riegelsville PA and was called "Riegelsville Video" or more commonly "Joe's Video" because a fella named Joe owned a whole block in town and each business was "Joe's Pizza", "Joe's Market" etc. That in and of itself was actually pretty cool.
Riegelsville Video, like the guys at the tail end of this video say, also had endless movies available in a folder you could flip through but they were not on display. The store was so tiny that I couldn't believe they had all those bulky VHS tapes back there. They MUST have had a bottomless basement.
A cute girl named Chelsea worked there and I'd get monster movies for $1 a day and drive down there a couple times a week to get slashes flicks and just talk to the counter girl.
*sigh* Poor kids today don't have stories like that anymore.
Ah, I see, Drew! Being smooth with the video girl!
Yes, you are right. Poor kids today cannot possibly have cool stories about watching Netflix streaming. Don't get me wrong. I love being able to watch stuff instantly now, but there was something special about going to the video store. The anticipation of wondering if the movie you really wanted to see would be there.