Strange Behavior (1981) — not-bad story, nice work by Dey Young, and great Tangerine Dream soundtrack.

Death Mask (1984) — Farley Granger, based on Philadelphia "boy in the box" case

The Night Walker (1964) — so much to love here — William Castle, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Taylor, a blind Hayden Rorke (!!!), Lloyd Bochner and his voice, and music by the composer of the Addams Family theme

Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) — two words: "kitten eating"
Dracula's Widow (1988) — directed by Nicolas Cage's brother and starring Emanuelle and Harold from "Twin Peaks"
You have exceeded my expectations and I am forever indebted!
I feel like christmas came early- this is soooo awesome
unseen movies are like GOLD to me and I've only seen two of these! (Strange Behavior &Yorga)
How in the name of God have I missed Night Walker? How? That music is awesome. I have to watch that today.
And Dracula's widow looks like the perfect double feature material for Vampire's kiss with the other Cage!
and DEATH MASK- I always avoided that one at the video store because I thought the cover was weird!
Outstanding job my friend! Thank you so much for these picks! I'm going to be busy!
I'll be playing this for the rest of the day…
Strange Behavior Soundtrack FTW.
I used to love the cover of that song on the DOGS IN SPACE soundtrack. Does anyone remember that movie? !986 with Michael Hutchence from INXS?
I really think I was meant to be Australian. Hopefully in my next life.