Lampshade hovering in mid-air, second picture lightened, bead missing on necklace, section of phone cord missing, piping on sofa cushion gone, a section of print on lapel missing…that's all I saw.
mmm…nice mellow 70s browns for the early morning. thank you.
1. dot on collar
2. feather next to mouth on doll
3. table leg
4. lamp pole thingy
5. teal book on shelf
6. section of phone cord is missing
7. paper towel roll is either moved or it's longer
8. is one of the roundy things on her necklace missing?
9. sheesh there's still two more…oh! piping on pillow!
10. ok – i give up. you're getting really sneaky, unk!
12 years ago
Blue book on shelf , feather missing on doll spear,phone cord cut,lamp fixture cut, light reflection on lamp,roll up paper moved,her right collar print is missing some,a bead from her neckless is missing,outline on pillow missing?,and table is missing leg….thats 10 right? =)!
Oh Zoinks!!! I think I did 11 again! Its not my fault, I made an entire puzzle last night that disappeared when my computer shut off and I had to start all over again and by that time I was sleepy!
You guys got all of them but there may be one more…the bottom of the spear is also shorter!
12 years ago
I totally missed the end of the spear – good one, Unk!
Lampshade hovering in mid-air, second picture lightened, bead missing on necklace, section of phone cord missing, piping on sofa cushion gone, a section of print on lapel missing…that's all I saw.
Feather missing from top of spear.
mmm…nice mellow 70s browns for the early morning. thank you.
1. dot on collar
2. feather next to mouth on doll
3. table leg
4. lamp pole thingy
5. teal book on shelf
6. section of phone cord is missing
7. paper towel roll is either moved or it's longer
8. is one of the roundy things on her necklace missing?
9. sheesh there's still two more…oh! piping on pillow!
10. ok – i give up. you're getting really sneaky, unk!
Blue book on shelf , feather missing on doll spear,phone cord cut,lamp fixture cut, light reflection on lamp,roll up paper moved,her right collar print is missing some,a bead from her neckless is missing,outline on pillow missing?,and table is missing leg….thats 10 right? =)!
Oh Zoinks!!! I think I did 11 again! Its not my fault, I made an entire puzzle last night that disappeared when my computer shut off and I had to start all over again and by that time I was sleepy!
You guys got all of them but there may be one more…the bottom of the spear is also shorter!
I totally missed the end of the spear – good one, Unk!